march, rally and sit and step a good scratch that endorses the libertarian martyrdom
" The dog always returns to spew
Old Chinese proverb
Again a statement with the same subject. Year after year the same story is repeated. It confirms the status of martyrs of a sector of anarchism. Perhaps @ s influence on the recent impressive growth of Mexican saints beatified and canonized countless his credit, it is impossible to contain the latent religious spirit, no doubt unconsciously motivates them and dominates.
The most curious of the problem is that we are not referring to anarcho-Guadalupe @ s @ s that, surely, today is Sunday, will be discussed between attending Mass and make an occasional charitable work by Ecatepec or parade like every year the quota of the Authentic Labor Front (FAT), side by side with sinarquistas, gar, anarcho-pacifists and other wildlife related; No! They are comrades that are assumed
s "the other side." That is, contrary to religious opium peace and immobility.
However, in practice, captivated by the glory of the show fall into the hackneyed sacrifice, in the inescapable religiosity in which society finds itself whole and lend themselves to "turn the other cheek" and join the l @ s list of martyrs. Worse, claiming their status as martyrs by a deep stressed that "the anarchist contingent" will be repressed despite "a peaceful
revealed at the start May First "
[1] .
Demonstrating the undeniable liberal pollution forced, first, to play by the rules of the system, recognizing the "right to demonstrate", secondly, to do so "peacefully", giving rise to what inevitably follows: try the "innocence" l @ s s comrades arrested (if that were the case, so far the drama continue without a hitch.) That is, the reaffirmation and strengthening the system of oppression by the dichotomy: "Innocent" and "guilty" and the implicit condemnation of those @ s that we refuse to play by the rules of the system, who do not accept the formula imposed march, rally, picket, the @ s to call to update the fighting and overcome the protest and resistance, who call for the permanent confrontation, the direct attack on the system of domination, not abstract, not in the speech, not a dead letter, but the pounding concrete from their burrows and against its representatives.
By extension of the Social War!
upon destruction total of all that we dominate!
That night lights!
For Anarchy!
Planet Earth, May 1, 2011.
Informal Anarchist Coordinator
[1] See statement "Urgent. Repression of anarchist contingent in the march of the First of May ", released electronically by "Art Libertarian."
CIA - Informal Anarchist Coordinator
"The prospect violent direct action run from the base, sabotage, acts are not" more to left "than any other that is" left "are choices dictated certain autonomy of interests, elections in which the active anarchist presence has a great importance."
; AM Bonanno .
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