Tuesday, May 3, 2011

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Solidarity from Lima with 14 secuestradxs vegan (+ Video)

This is a chronicle of the small show of solidarity that have joined from this region to support our comrades secuestradxs and torturadxs in the dungeons of State $ Hilen. By the time these lines were written, we are happy to know that several of ellxs longer be able to sleep in their homes, and little by little this show will fall by the weight of its falsity.

We are motivated to read his words and see the different actions in every corner of the planet have been the food and the flame that has accompanied during the 65-day hunger strike. Solidarity that transcends borders truly fictitious. The pain and anger caused by the death of mate Patricia Heras, under the responsibility of the English state, and new abductions of comrades in Italy and elsewhere, continue to inspire and multiply by the actions against the authority, the State and Capital. And that the Lords' ruling, the propertied classes and those who seek to exploit, dominate and administer life, can not sleep peacefully. Because ...

"While there is a lower class who belong to it.
While there is a criminal element, we made it.
While he remains a soul in prison, we are not free. "
Salut and Total Liberation!

Algunxs individuxs by An-archy

On Thursday April 28 in Lima (Peru region), many individuals continue to support the international campaign of solidarity with anarchist comrades 14 - who until recently days were on hunger strike for 65 days - kidnapped by the state $ Hilen assembly as part of political-police-media called "Case Pumps."

begin at 3: 30 pm disseminating leaflets and pasting posters on the walls due to the local Embassy dela $ Hilen. On reaching the place, drop down our banners with the slogans: FREEDOM


And we became an informational picket outside the embassy spreading flyers the situation to the people who walked or went into private cars or public transport buses, demanding the swift release of comrades and tossing several slogans: $ Hilen State, kidnap and torture. $ Hilen state is the terrorist!, Freedom, Freedom vegan jail for fighting!, Anarchists políticxs Presxs the caracters in the streets! Políticxs Presxs Mapuche, the caracters in the streets! Piñera fascist, you are the terrorist!

Regarding this last individual, $ Hilen magnate currently president of the country's south. He arrived in Lima on an official visit that same day, within the framework of the official formation of the Pacific Alliance and the signing of the Declaration of Lima, the agreement signed between the States Peruvian, Chilean, Mexican and Colombian. This agreement attempts to revive the old dream-driven U.S. economic - and frustrated by social movements in several countries - the Free Trade Area of \u200b\u200bthe Americas (FTAA) and in political terms means the consolidation of a front with the last neoliberal governments in the region, which is able to counteract the influence of so-called "progressive."

At the end of the demonstration outside the Embassy we went to the Plaza Mayor in the city center where presidents would sign the Declarationof Lima. After that, every president left the government palace escorted numerous cars and security personnel, except magnate Piñera, who with an ease that gives the illusion of economic power - and political - which he now has decided to take a walk walk through the plaza, heading to a nearby restaurant for test the much publicized "Peruvian cuisine."

While local press smiled, looking likely to show familiarity and closeness and charisma - in the same way as when he did in his world tour to gain political capital after the rescue the trapped miners - could be seen as he unseated the face as a companion snapped directly, almost two feet away: "Piñera, you're a terrorist. The Case Pumps is a montage. Freedom anarchist political prisoners "

And then a chorus of voices began to resonate in the square on the way toward the restaurant tycoon" $ Hilen State kidnap and torture. $ Hilen state is the terrorist ", Freedom, Freedom vegan jail for fighting!, Políticxs Presxs freedom!, Among others. The magnate ended up running very confused and not knowing where to look, wrapped in his henchmen to pay, due to the restaurant, trying to forget the embarrassment.

When he retired the premises - an hour later - surrounded by a retinue of lackeys, local bureaucrats, private henchmen, and local police (now ready to disperse the protesters) took course for his personal car. Suddenly, and finally leave a bad taste ruining the ride, a colleague - who managed to pass unnoticed among the people and security, appeared in front of his car, giving a scream just before the climb: Piñera, fascist, you are the terrorist! Freedom anarchist political prisoners!, Freedom Mapuche political prisoners!. Piñera, could only lift his face surprised and immediately step into hiding in his luxury Mercedes Benz, while the other was pulling on you, the air car and information leaflets on the campaign of international solidarity.


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