Tuesday, May 3, 2011

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anarchist newspaper The Groove # 26, May, 2011

is now circulating a new number monthly anarchist newspaper The Groove. This is the 26th edition, May 2011.

This month begins with better news regarding the situation of imprisoned comrades in the assembly "Case bombs." The hunger strike after 65 days long, is complete. Some comrades have left the jail and have been under house arrest. That's something.

saving us more than words and waving cheerfully to those of us who read and discuss, we leave you with this new release.

In this issue, The Groove brings:

- Editorial In the current reality and the social and economic inequality
- Last Time! The assembly begins to fall.
- Child labor. The naturalization of an abuse.
- Document: The dictatorship of the clock.
- Mano tended to the comrade, the enemy closed fist, by Monica Caballero from the prison hospital.
- Contra class chauvinism, 2nd and final part.
- Repression of Mapuche Panguipulli.
- Women anarchists in early twentieth century, introduction.
-          Breves: Alejandro Peña al ministerio del Interior, Elecciones en Perú, Infiltración policial en las protestas.
-          Reseña: Alberto Ghiraldo, precursor de los tiempos nuevos.
-          Poemas, ilustraciones y más.

can download this and previous number from:

Health and freedom
The Anarchist Group Groove
Region Santiago Chile, May 1, 2011


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