On February 21 Habre began an indefinite strike to press ROTEST and repressive institutions that keep us encarceladxs the farce called "cas bombs, after 65 days starvation have decided to terminate this redical fighting tool.
prolngado result of this fast, merits of the defense, unconditional solidarity comrades and various sectors, we have obtained points Alguns completely and others partially: Here we have be clarxs, the end of the antiterrorism law, does not happen because algunxs comrades starve in the dungeon. Do not confuse the repressive situation, this is a collective problem that concerns not only us; current presxs vegan, but a combative figure all the comrades who take anti-capitalist struggle.
is why solidarity with nosotrxs is linked to its own revolutionary interests.
1) The balance of the gunwale of 5 of the acusds, 2 of them accused of being "leaders" of this fictitious terrorist conspiracy who appeals court change the precautionary measures alicaciĆ³n openly questioning the Terrorism Act (18 314 )
2) The term research ties and thus shortening the time for completion of the trial.
3) The profit prison resxs stop vegan and our visits.
4) The assembly's media report, at various times within the strike has made visible the farce of the prosecution, and tensions within the ruling power MSIM as parliamentarians, human rights institute, church, etc.. who claim that the "case bombs fall like a house of cards.
5) For the end point of the antiterrorism law, the term of faceless witnesses and unanimously in the court for revocation of pretrial detention, was sent logr'el of 3 draft bill to amend the law 18,314 and the establishment of a working group that seeks to demonstrate the assembly along the process, denouncing the maneuvers of the interior ministry and security in conjunction with the South fiscaĆa to kill any attempt of rebellion.
This mobilization can not be excenta of self-criticism, noting that the strike was held in solitary confinement with only small moments of conversation, in an ebb and flow of analysis and response, not only within the prison but between the MAS (high security module) and SEAS (Special high security) and the SEAS and the MAS Another obstacle is the diversity of positions within the same strike, some objectives for priority otrxs algunxs was not and vice versa. This led to an erratic and complex filled with inconsistencies and questioning, until the last minute did the various positions us to discuss or not to continue a hunger strike, however, despite the differences reached an agreement determining comrades the end of the mobilization on April 26.
We call upon all LA Anarchist continue agitating for imprisoned comrades in every corner of the globe, go to ellxs our strength and revolutionary greetings.
Finally we recognize each gestures of solidarity throughout the world as a sincere contribution to conflict with authority.
However, we must be alert, "where bombs" is not over and we believe that we should not lower our guard.
A hug to all LA Anarchist rebel against submission.
Andrea Urzua Carlos Vinicio Aguilera
Omar Riveros Francisco Solar
Hermosilla Caballero Monica Rodolfo Retamales
Felipe Guerra Camilo Perez Pablo Morales
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