In "Draw Master" makes the story of Gigi Meroni, one of the main reasons for that one day began to collect those stories Calcio.
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has already been said sometimes Gigi Meroni, "scarlet butterfly, and her tragic life. Poor orphan child, teenager with great artistic talent (Guttuso himself, not to be confused with Gattuso, praised his paintings juveniles), sensational player early, went to early 60's the great hope of "calcio" Italian. And the idol of Torino, where there is still some old follower he calls "gigi" the butterflies.
also has benefited from the death of Meroni. On October 15, 1967, Torino won at home to Sampdoria. On leaving the stadium, "the scarlet butterfly" was run over and crushed by the car of a young fan of Torino who had just removed his driver's license. The body was veiled in the clubhouse. The fan who killed Meroni named Attilio Romero and many years later got to be president and lead Torino in 2005, into bankruptcy. Gigi Meroni
not gained international fame for being sinful, extravagant and, ultimately, hairy. It could have been one of the revelations of the 1966 World Cup. And, in contrast, was the accursed. Most expensive was the one who paid the incredible defeat and elimination of Italy against North Korea. Without playing a single minute of the match.
In the spring of 1966, Meroni still playing in the "selection B", a mix of young and younger sons. After a terrific display against "Belgium B", March 13, Edmondo Fabbri coach had no choice but to include him in the calls in preparation for the World Cup in England. Meroni did match against Bulgaria and Argentina, while in the Italian League Juventus and Napoli tried to buy it for numbers never shuffled in the "calcium" was the first player on the offered one billion lire.
But "the scarlet butterfly" did not like the vast majority of Catholic and Christian Democratic Italy of the time. Living in sin with a married woman (there was no divorce), read poetry counter, dispensed with religion, defied the conventions (there is a famous photo of a chicken walking down the street like a dog), smoked dope , wore colorful clothes and wore long hair.
was not convenient for the technicians. Nobody could agree on whether it was far right, man or playmaker area "Fanciful." It was a dribbler devil (the great Fachetti him a "hat" history) and a centering precision, but also a creator of football. And had no instinct murderer. He refused to throw penalties because he felt abused the poor goalie.
Fabbri, national coach, was a man with an intimate statements overwhelming insecurity. Insulting to anyone who would suggest an alignment or a tactic, then, alone, could not decide. Fabbri said that there would Meroni the World Cup, with one condition: that Meroni take short hair, like the others. Meroni not cut his hair. Fabbri, however, did not dare to exclude him from the final call.
The coach relented, but made no mistake. In the first game against Chile, which Italy won in a bad way, Meroni remained on the bench. In the second, against the USSR, a team whose players throwing rocks at small Meroni through the air with a single blow, he aligned himself, and Italy lost 1-0.
Before the decisive match against North Korea, a selection of little guys running as bullets and showed the proper level of what they were amateurs who worked as soldiers or publishers, commentators and players themselves were convinced that Meroni would havoc. Fabbri, however, turned to leave on the bench. Lined, however, a midfielder and Bulgarelli, who had knee frazzled and spent the game limping because it was not yet possible replacements. That day, that very day, Fabbri decided to impose the principle of authority and make him pay for his defiance Meroni capillary.
When they returned to Italy, eliminated, players were greeted with tomato throwing. Fabbri no, because he was on the plane until the crowd dispersed. The technician no longer head up. He was replaced by Herrera-Valcareggi duo whose first decision was to temporarily forget "the scarlet butterfly. " Meroni, for its extravagance and its apparent defiance (all his colleagues considered him a great guy), was developed by the ultra-conservative public opinion of the Italian football 1966 in command of the disaster.
no longer had time for. Meroni died the following year. The world only had a chance to see the only player comparable to George Best, in England-66, and had lost. As a matter of hair and authority.
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