One way to look, and tell.

Some boats have three masts, and also the goals, there are the similarities between the novels of Joseph Conrad and football. For those who enjoy both disciplines we would like to look more and often forced metaphors that cross from one side to another of our two great passions, but do not stop being that, forced metaphors. Perhaps it is best to assume that they are two different and try to love that are not ever as he has a wife in the city and a lover provinces, provinces or a husband and a lover in the city, or vice versa and vice-versas all possible variations including gay and Basque and all lines of the PP, the dura, the soft and the next. In short, what we like about this game is its exceptional condition of concern, completely alien to our lives and change the most fundamental part of childhood joys and sorrows. I remember in Underworld, DeLillo's great novel, there were American while flying a baseball, this may be the only way to transform the sport in literary device, assume importance in our lives as real fact, without resorting a convoluted images ill and forced to swim from one bank to another. While the ball is in the air our lives happen. Passing between the posts, or batted out outside the stadium, nothing will alter the course of our own, and nothing will change what we write or read. Before the writers just talked about football because it was frowned upon, now better understood that a writer is a man or a woman, like any other. That also takes care of your garden or your children, or neglect, or forget the world and sits one afternoon to see a Osasuna-Betis. Nothing suggests that the distance between sport and literature have been shortened, of Me, personally I just do not talk about Rilke me while I enjoy a derby and I do not talk about signings while I enjoy Rilke. Children are also a timeless charm that can not squeeze through at the wrong time in the bedroom of her parents.
DeLillo gave way to mess with the ball with the written word, but once you have found the formula does not seem sensible to try to repeat it. Remember the old maxim, the first comparing a woman with a rose was a genius, the second was a fool. The Sportswriter by Richard Ford was not exactly a sports book and Cheever's swimmer broke the soul without threatening any world record. The players sometimes lead concentrations books but I'm afraid I hardly ever read, too we took balls to the beach and not remove from the car. It's almost better that way. The ball is not real part of what we win or lose, but flies above us, whatever we do, and we just occasionally lifting his head to see it. The ball reminds us, reminds us of other things. Children's games are not games of men, and soccer remains anchored in our childhood. It takes us time and again to a past time, not better or worse, thanks to the beautiful game we have not lost at all. Football and literature sound so good together like horse and piano, hence that we should not mix too, hence also that we should not give up any of these pleasures to enjoy the other.
is a writer Ray Loriga
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