Recovery an article that appeared several weeks ago in El Pais.
There are still many things worth a read to the unfortunate rise of the sports pseudoperiodismo made by "professionals" ted to hooligans, flags flying above the basis of any criteria, intelligence, common sense and, above all, good taste, and capable of causing, at least in me, an overwhelming sense of embarrassment. In short, they will exploit that and helping the brutish circus group from that ersatz sports information. They know.

El duelo entre el Barça y el Real Madrid va a ocupar este año 2010 el vacío que deja la mediocridad turbia de la política, nos puede salvar del sofocante agobio de las tertulias canallas de la televisión convertidas en un gallinero agresivo, donde siempre gana el idiota que más grita. A partir de ahora este combate a dos se convertirá en el único ejemplo de fortaleza, de rigor, de estética y de public morals accessible to any viewer. Iniesta's pass, a shot from Cristiano Ronaldo, Messi seven feint followed by a stop Casillas possess a degree of excellence impossible to find in the university in the Church, in Parliament and in journalism. The Barca and Real Madrid cede some of his self to a group where all your dreams fade. For Barca in the beginning was the Word, for Real Madrid in the beginning was the Action. Barca play chasing an ideal of perfection, the Real Madrid, however, is just crushing the opposing team, one looking at himself in the very shadow of the grass, the other just puts eyes on the opponent. At Barça the primary purpose is to like and that the goal is a product of a virtuous development; at Real Madrid on goal comes at the end of a heroic struggle, but no matter if the ball comes with a spectacular shot or a rebound on tap . The verb and action arising idealism and pragmatism are two ways of being in the world, to face the future, to withstand the blows of fortune, to fight the enemy, to celebrate victory or to take the loss. Beyond perfection is only death, both in art than in sport, as only to repeat the formula to infinity. It is possible to improve the game that made the club in the game against Manchester. From star that moment the team has not done anything to imitate himself. Barca only mannerism can save the thrill of agony, the goal in the last minute Real Madrid instead can reach the top if it becomes aggressive and uncertainty in high-precision machinery. Verb or action are also two ways to kill. The slow poison Barça, Real Madrid a dagger.
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