stupid thing, if brief, twice the fun. Inaugurated section in our crusade against the clichés. And the FNF goes to :
Dudu Aouate: "when the team wins, WE ARE ALL HAPPY"
An award shared between the goalkeeper and ex-Israeli daily PRISA, because if the crap is R eader's Digest , title keys is almost better than getting an interview the day Kaka Usain Bolt became Flash Gordon ( oups, that they have also made this summer.)
Man, something is news, because when I was Munúa, is bundled with sticks and gave them equal UEFA touch with a template that could last if any hard time with Lalin.
Hombre, the AS has caught a Jason Blair, who ran out of gigs by inventing stories in the New York Times. Because Aouate phrase is: "The atmosphere is very good, it is important that we bear, and of course, when the team plays well, win and score points we are very happy." "Happy or unhappy? Stupidity is the same, but it is assumed that there is to invent the headlines.
And do not think the Sanhedrin of FNF has suffered when choosing one of the phrases Aouate, because all deserve appear on the Olympus of the phrases. Moreover, it is able to make full, four four in one paragraph: "It is true that we look at ourselves, we know the characteristics of our team and what we have is to work. At Molinón going to win."
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