Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Space Heater Kicks Breaker


For Rocheteau
The newspaper AS has got to Benzema this morning in jail rotting, decrepit and overcrowded with three times its capacity. No prison either, but a mold on the walls, drug trafficking and cell well organizadito 11 square meters for a detainee to be crammed in three. Imagine a squalid prison in the mind of the Dardenne brothers and now are approaching. As I hear, about noon, the sports newspaper Madrid getting an exclusive of those to shine at Pulliza with cristasol: BENZEMA, AWAITING TRIAL.

should have good contacts AS in the Palais de Justice, located in the Ile de la Cite in Paris, as French sources cited. English media gave no other information. And in the French sites warned that Benzema and Ribery had come to testify before the investigating judge as arrested or detained. Would that confused the AS 'garde-à-vous', referring to the characterization of their questioning, detention? Naaaaaaa, hombreeeeee, which Manolete was a college French ... impossible.

The hours passed and, of course, it became increasingly clear that the AS are very smart and the rest of the press very silly. Just something did not fit. When a big boss (or the fellow, go figure) realized that to stay in custody have to be in prison, and the kids were still there making small talk to the magistrate, said: "Na, yasssstà outside that prison. Now we BENZEMA, in custody. " Which meant coming up with a legal instrument that governs equal Kamchatka Peninsula, but not in France.

Floren visits to prison

And I already saw the story ... I imagined him in prison (translate "maison d'arrêt" in French, not "prison", but be careful, lest the SSA will write "house arrest") of Mérogis Fleury, who were often used most of the defendants in pretrial custody in Paris. And Fleury Mérogis is as described in the first paragraph, that FNF staff laughed, but at least we take a while to google before writing. Well, Benzema enters the train. There continues to gain importance and even the Algerians raterillos tractor speed you spend in each band. Overall, you just substitute in the Teal team because it gives the level.

Florentino But, secretly, is visiting him in prison. Until Karim sees the light of day reading the Koran. Start doing push-ups in the yard (Rocky music) while cleaning the teeth with wood chips (that serves no comic effect, and the Koran says that Muhammad teeth cleaned and some Orthodox and imitate him in the district 11 Paris wanting to follow the holy book to the letter.) His contract with Real Madrid continues. Get out of jail and called the team, get to score the goal that allows the meringues to spend their first round of Copa del Rey in 5 years. And imagine the rest: out of prison Floren promises that he will not hire travel rubber with blonde hair and black eyebrows and go and win the European Cup ... Nothing

with a unique case in hand, and that, instead of profiting, the ACE van and leave us without Oscar, and all for a course of journalistic legerdemain. Every time I typed http://www.as.com/ , put his hand in a hat and dragged them out a new owner. Because before eating, it turns out that we had gone to Karim Benzema, ARRESTED IN PARIS. Which is not bad, because the player had gone to a subpoena. Man was arrested, especially in the second sense of the RAE: "Lack of ease, low resolution." But come on, then has "stopped" all season.

I can imagine (as the hours passed and no Gad, except junior four means and four copy & paste to dry bounced the bullshit) the poor fellow who was on Erasmus in Lyon, and caught the news this morning browsing in Le Figaro, seeking a new approach to save his neck. No one was in the AS that just three owners later, each more decaf, could leave the theme below, or pinch your fingers. Naaaaaaa, naaaaaaa, portadaca and full swing. The fellow got around food: BENZEMA STATES UNDER ARREST. It sounds too military to contempt, but the guy tried. It is true that state while he had been trained in Valdebebas fatigosísimo, especially for the judge.

Los Manolos, certainly trying to shoot his brother-coat the paper said the information was only As the news of the detention. They did not laugh. In fact, they took it so seriously that they remain the only page, just that the news continues with the first holder of the morning.

Relaño I said that to watch these things happen. But is it about the conspiracies of arbitration, which require large doses of research punctilious, isolation and solipsism Benedictine burial. Fred could have called Hermel, but it occurred to anyone. The fellow, on the sly, when no one saw him, got back into the system to the key: BENZEMA, BEFORE THE CORONER. The boy was right and it was not easy. Because for seven hours before, while imprisoned As it stopped him, arrested him, tried him and the fat fat fat ate, Benzema had not even gone to court. He sat in a waiting room.

At this late hour, half day and five owners later, the fellow has already gone home and Roncero has put things in place: Ribery and Benzema, RECOGNISED BY CONTRACT TO A MINOR. It took them . Where were you Thomas?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How To Make Crunchy Toffee Popcorn

THE MAGIC KINGDOM by Eduardo Galeano

The World according to Galeano and his catalog of unusual. Great!

Pacho Maturana, Colombia, a man of vast experience in these conflicts, said that soccer is a magical realm where anything can happen.

The recent World has confirmed his words, was a strange World.

• Unusual were the 10 stadiums where they played, beautiful, huge, which cost a fortune. No one knows how South Africa will maintain active giants cement waste billionaire easy to explain but difficult to justify, in one of the most unequal countries in the world.

• Unusual was the Adidas ball, soapy, half mad, who fled from the hands and feet disobeyed. The Jabulani that was imposed, but the players did not like one bit. From his castle in Zurich, the masters of soccer imposed, not propose. They are accustomed.

• Unusual was that at last the powerful bureaucracy of the FIFA recognized, at least after so many years, which would have to consider how to assist the referees in the decisive plays. Not much, but it's something. It was time. Until these voluntary deaf deafness had to listen to the cries triggered by the mistakes of some referees, who in the last game became horrors. Why do we have to look at the television screen what the referees did not see and perhaps could not see? Cries of common sense: almost all sports, basketball, tennis, baseball and even fencing and racing cars, normally use modern technology to be sure. Soccer, no. The arbitrators are authorized to consult an old invention called clock to measure the length of matches and time to be discounted, but is forbidden to go there. And the official reason would be comical if it were simply suspicious: the error is part of the game, they say, and leave us speechless discovering that Errare humanum est .

• Unusual was the first African World Cup in the history of football ran out of African countries, including the host, in the early stages. Ghana survived only until his selection was beaten by Uruguay in the most exciting match of the tournament.

• Unusual was that most African teams mantuvieran viva su agilidad, pero perdieran desparpajo y fantasía. Mucho corrieron, pero poco bailaron. Hay quienes creen que los directores técnicos de las selecciones, casi todos europeos, contribuyeron a este enfriamiento. Si así fuera, flaco favor han hecho a un futbol que tanta alegría prometía. África sacrificó sus virtudes en nombre de la eficacia, y la eficacia brilló por su ausencia.

• Insólito fue que algunos jugadores africanos pudieran lucirse, ellos sí, pero en las selecciones europeas. Cuando Ghana jugó contra Alemania se enfrentaron dos hermanos negros, los hermanos Boateng: uno llevaba la camiseta de Ghana y el otro la de Alemania.

De los jugadores de la selección de Ghana, ninguno jugaba en el campeonato local de Ghana.

De los jugadores de la selección de Alemania, todos jugaban en el campeonato local de Alemania.

Como América Latina, África exporta mano de obra y pie de obra.

• Insólita fue la mejor atajada del torneo. No fue obra de un golero, sino de un goleador. El atacante uruguayo Luis Suárez detuvo con las dos manos, en la línea del gol, una pelota que hubiera dejado a su país fuera de la Copa. Y gracias a ese acto de patriótica locura, él fue expulsado, pero Uruguay no.

• Insólito fue el viaje de Uruguay, desde los abajos hasta los arribas. Nuestro país, que había entrado al Mundial in last place, just barely, after a difficult qualifying, played with dignity, without giving up ever, and became one of the best. Some cardiologists warned us from the press, the excess of happiness may be hazardous to health. Many Uruguayans, who seemed doomed to die of boredom, we held that risk, and the streets of the country were a party. At the end of the right to celebrate their own merits is always preferable to the pleasure that some feel for the misery of others.

finished ranking fourth, which is not bad for the only country that could prevent this World Cup ended up being nothing more than a Euro. And it was not Diego Forlan accident that was voted player of the tournament.

• Unusual was the champion and former World Championship runner-up went home without opening the bags.

In 2006, Italy and France had met in the final. Now found in the airport departure gate. In Italy, multiplied critics of football played to prevent the rival plays. In France, the disaster caused a political crisis and on to the furies of racism, because they were black almost all the players who sang the Marseillaise in South Africa.

Other favorites, like England, does not last long. Brazil and Argentina suffered baths cruel humility. Half a century earlier, the Argentina had received a shower of coins while returning from a disastrous World, but this time was welcomed by a crowd that believes in embracing the most important things that the success or failure.

• Unusual was that missing the appointment announced the superstars, and more expected. Lionel Messi wanted to be, did what he could, and saw something. And they say that Cristiano Ronaldo was, but nobody saw him: perhaps he was too busy to be seen.

• Unusual was that a new star, unexpectedly emerge from the depths of the seas and rise to the top of the footballing firmament. It is a live octopus in an aquarium in Germany, from where he formulates his prophecies. His name is Paul, but could be called Pulpodamus.
Before each World Cup match, gave him a choice of mussels carrying the flags of the two rivals. He ate the mussels of the victor, and he was right. The oracle octopod

decisive influence on betting, was heard in the world with religious reverence, was hated and loved, and even maligned by some felt to me that we came to suspect, without proof, that the octopus was corrupt.

• Unusual was that the tournament finally see justice done, which is rare in football or in life.

Spain won for the first time the soccer championship.

waiting almost a century.

Octopus had announced, and Spain denied my suspicions: he won in good faith, was the best team in the tournament, by the grace of his football solidarity, one for all, all for one, and also by the amazing skills that little wizard named Andres Iniesta.

He proves that sometimes, in the magical realm of football, there is justice.

* * *

When the World began in the door of my house hung a sign that read: Closed for football.

When I took it down, a month after I had already played 64 games, beer in hand, without moving from my favorite chair. That feat

fried left me, the muscles hurt, broken throat, but I'm already feeling nostalgic.

'm beginning to miss the unbearable litany of vuvuzelas, the excitement of the goals are not suitable for heart, the beauty of the best plays repeatedly in slow motion. And celebration and mourning, because sometimes football is a joy that hurts, and music that celebrates a victory of those who make the dead dance sounds very close to the resounding silence of the empty stadium, where night has fallen and a follow up sitting alone, unable to move, in the midst of the immense no one stands.

Eduardo Galeano, Uruguayan writer

Sunday, July 11, 2010

I Need Supplies For My Apartment

For those unable to live it and feel it after so many disappointments accumulated.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Drivers Hp Pavilion T3000 Desktop


A view from Argentina. Posted in Page 12
spent, for the Argentines, the World Cup is over for now, the illusion of redemption Maradona. Lasted, the dream, until the fateful Saturday thanks to a few touches left to run the games and the electricity that ran the football passion of a country that has known colossal triumphs of unforgettable goals and frustrations memorable left their mark deep in the memory and sensitivity . Shared dreams, always intertwined with the traces of lived experience, are the manifestation of a strange alchemy of dreams and realities. Its power has to do with these sources and those strokes left in the collective memory for other reasons. So also the fading produced a devastating effect leaves us with the soul of the feet and the frustration on his back, knowing that revenge is a consolation is too far away. But, that's also something we know, usually when we least expect it back and brings back the lost joy in the midst of defeat today. Our football, like our history, is crossed by those moments that happiness and pain have left indelible marks.

A passion that touches the daily lives, which alters the mood and shapes, often, the national character can not be the expression of the routine or take the form of bureaucracy who do not feel up to the bottom of their souls significance of a sport that is more than a game, much more than entertainment or the rhetoric of fair play, which highlights the visceral and emotional, the rational and imaginative and are interwoven with memories and biographies of each of us. Because, despite some journalists that are offered as brainy analysts defeat, which is always employed, many of us 4 to 0 against Germany we go through the body and feelings, makes us go back to the recesses of our memory football and present us with a wonderful story there, even where the frustration, the slap of tune, the knockout punch, the humiliation of dire results, combines with unique dribbling, tacos for history and splendid victories of those very few in the world can offer as their own. The losses also leave their marks and take the form of myth, are there to remind us what we often forget ourselves. They are part of who we are and what we can be if we forget or stop learning from his teachings. Wide eyed with pain tend to look more intensely than those who never knew him. And so the victories, the joys, enjoyed more. The technician, unique and irreplaceable, our selection knows anything about this. I know because I lived it firsthand. And all that bears the name of Maradona. He, like no other, represents the most glorious heights of football-poetry, has been the most beloved name that lives in the saga of our football because he was not only the creator of the eternal goal, the kid from the onions that as a magician out of a universal circus marveled at the endless little game that allowed him to do anything with their highest object of devotion was and is a ball football. Villa Fiorito, Maradona, the pitted the poor multitude, the word area, that has made us unique sentences, the one who broke into the old field of La Paternal, which became, for all the people of Naples, a demigod, one who redeemed the poor of southern Italy against northerners always winners, was the tears of anger at the end of the '90s, popped the ankle on his last effort, beloved by the poor and hated by business owners. He was also the fall, the private life of a sacked by the brutality of the tabloid media, that of an addiction that stole his word and offered the hideous face of desolation. It was that and much more. The victory in store for the Olympics, the chosen of the gods and the terrible price paid to be who he was and who he is. Maradona is carrying the burden of being Maradona, I think, does so with a dignity that few have, it does the integrity of those who have experienced heaven and hell, the highest peaks of success and praise glittering and its counterpart, the fall in the abyss, loneliness, revenge of the mediocre who have never failed to abuse Maradona disturbing moments of weakness or in circumstances marked by the defeat, soccer and even worse, that of life. Maradona has been the miracle that allowed him to rebuild, the same that rejected the naysayers who liked to collapse. In it, in its extreme and extraordinary journey of a football field and the maze of life, metabolized unthought of who has managed to reverse their own absences. There is something all of us in the weaving Maradona, some of that game with the ends that has marked life in Argentina ever since. A grammar of excess, a fervor that paid a very high price when it comes time to defeat, but allows us to enjoy a unique intensity when they arrived the day of joy. Deep regret that we plot is something I find it empty, pointless and undesirable. We are, no doubt, hope and frustration, the effort to take care of the best of a story sometimes pigmented unattainable dreams and the urgent need to take care of our impossibilities.
end, that always accompanied Diego, appears to account for our fortunes, as if we agree the balance and consensus. All or nothing. Maradona's itinerary is intertwined with that of the country, plays mirror and shows us images of ourselves. Their successes and defeats do not seem very different from those who accompanied us throughout history. We learned of splendid moments, popular worlds at their highest levels of fairness, which left their footprints in the depths of the collective memory (and the Maradona of the popular suburbs, kneading in the pastures of the poor multitude, the language of the defendant, who always Garrincha was closer than Pelé represents a not less than the memory of a past better) knew, too, falls to hell, dictatorial horrors and mass destruction of our dreams in different circumstances of our journey as a nation. Met hope and the disappointment we knew we touch the deepest springs of illusion and found ourselves in the midst of the nightmare. As a country we had, and we have, something Maradona, impossible, crazy, charming, unexpected that knows no intermediate ports, on machines that always work the same way. We met great improvisation and improvisation disaster. We played together and we charmed by the appearance of genius, he alone solved games. Perhaps our problem lies in not making that more and better crossing both ways. Maybe that was the error in this World Cup Maradona: Messi was like to imagine him repeating the myths and epics are just around the corner. A Messi, as Argentina's history, he weighs the shadow of the myth, the memory of lost wonder, however, continues to insist. All, knowing that we carry a delusion, dreaming on Saturday in the middle of what looked like a disaster, with the move made by Messi Maradona, with that incredible dribbling reproduced 24 years later. Sure, we found that are unique and unforgettable events are not repeated or at least not when expected.

Messi is Maradona, can not. His life, the journey that took him as a boy, from his native Rosario to Barcelona has nothing to do with the steps taken by Diego. In Maradona there still a remnant of another country, the saga of old folktales mutilated, the path from poverty to the summit, fidelity to the sources that always complaint in its moments of rapture, where usually sharp chisel and memorable phrases like that which forever reminded us "that the ball did not stain." Messi, who is a good guy, humble despite who he is, has more to do with football show, with Europe, with the harmonic fields and neat, the kind that seem to billiards and that have nothing to do with our (often unpresentable and punctuated by violence and delinquency, but also carry the memory of the pasture). Yet Messi in a remarkable manner, keeps in its genes very thing that made a Maradona. Perhaps, like an ancient Greek tragedy, its time can only come when the shadow of another god let him take his own place in the sun. Is it within four years?

Ricardo's Foster Ph.D., professor at the UBA