"Football? More expensive, ugly and hidden in Kenya TV
By Nick Panzeri
As much as the Brand Director to strive to repeat every time someone puts a mic in front that the competition is good in any field, this maxim is not always true capitalist .
We are tired of hearing that football fans would benefit from competition between Canal + and Gol TV, which football would be cheaper. False . At least for those who would like all football.
Prices have dropped, but the problem is that now serves not to hire a payment platform, but must register with the two for not having access to the best matches .
With Digital + is not possible to see most games Champions League or one of the matches in each game of the season, it will only Gol TV, plus Premier League, Le Championnat ... If you opt for the chain remains in limbo Mediapro Prisa the classic game Sunday at 21 h . As well as large Calcium and Bundesliga clashes.
However, apart from vulgar numbers which has lost more viewers is the quality of the productions . Canal +, at least ensured a neat image, overpopulation of cameras to get a closer and a completion mark Víctor Santamaría. This season, the major parties produces Mediapro and look at Digital + or Gol TV, the signal is also dirty, distant and dimly lit, but Carlos Martinez is bent on repeating that matches Canal + League would seal chain Sogecable. Both galactic
signing for the League to regain the attention of world soccer and No one thought to think about how important it is to present the product in an attractive manner . On Saturday, while Real Madrid, Kaka and Ronaldo was presented at the Bernabeu, the look preferred neutral attend the Milan-Inter, even before Milito began to give lessons. And on Sunday, more of the same. Faced with attractive footballing Valencia-Sevilla, the eyes went to the next screen ... in which Roma and Juventus played.
But the real drama of the atomization of football rights is inexcusable loss of some of the best games of the season, of course, lies in deferred TVE night so unforgivable. This weekend most interesting match of the Premiership, Manchester United, Arsenal, Spain could only be seen through ... KenyaTV . Yes, through the ever-reliable hacking. TVE, meanwhile, issued in the 2 and Teledeporte motorcycle training. Memorable.